Vince Ferro Construction Ltd. was contracted to complete an addition and renovation to the existing library in Leamington, ON. The work included asbestos removal, interior demolition of the entire library, and a 2,000 sq ft.. The site was very tight to work, VFC closed the public sidewalk in order to complete the project. The new work consisted of a new curved curtain wall facing Talbot Rd, roof, entrance canopy, sidewalks, aluminum windows, drywall, painting, flooring and millwork. The building was not occupied at the time which allowed VFC to complete the work at one time. The exterior of the building included a mixture of composite panels, siding, aluminum curtain wall and masonry. The challenging part of this project was the front wall was curved and all trades had to co-ordinate with VFC to ensure the building details were followed and ensure it was water tight. VFC completed the demolition, concrete foundations, concrete floor, rough carpentry and finish carpentry. The site work consisted of new sidewalk on Talbot Rd. and anew front entrance concrete. An old septic tank was removed to allow for the new addition, new water service, connection of new sanitary, new storm sewer to connect the new roof drain.
Remarks: Major Subcontractors were Mechanical – Postma (heating & cooling), & Jovan Mechanical (Plumbing), Electrical – Powerserve,
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